"Couldn’t communicate with a helper application" while debugging Finder Extension

I'm attempting to debug the ActionRequestHandler in a Finder "Quick Action" extension, and appear to be running into timeout problems.

I started with Apple's sample project for creating Finder "Quick Action" extensions. I'm able to load the extensions, and trigger the Xcode debugger via a Finder "Quick Action" popup menu. So far, so good... However, after halting in the extension's ActionRequestHandler in the Xcode debugger (as expected), and then stepping a few times, or hitting a couple of breakpoints, I get a Finder dialog with with the message: "Couldn't communicate with a helper application". The debugger halts in the extension with signal 9.

I suspect that there is a timeout limit in the communication between the Finder and the extension, and the extension is killed if it takes too much time to respond (resulting in the Finder dialog message).

Is there a debug setting somewhere where this timeout can be disabled or lengthened, so that it's possible to step through Finder extension code without running into this problem?

"Couldn’t communicate with a helper application" while debugging Finder Extension