Strange navigation and tabar behaviour when animation


I have a view controller container. When I transition from the first child view controller (a simple view controller) to the second one that has a tabbar and navigation bar, it appears that the initial position of the tabbar and the navigation bar are not the as expected, they are slightly outside the screen. See the GIF and the code. Do you know how can I avoid that strange animation? Or the root of the problem. Thanks.

        dashboardCoordinator = DashboardCoordinator()
        let fromVC = onboardingCoordinator!.rootViewController
        let toVC = dashboardCoordinator!.rootViewController
        fromVC.willMove(toParent: nil)
        rootViewController.transition(from: fromVC,
                                      to: toVC,
                                      duration: 5,
                                      options: .transitionCrossDissolve,
                                      animations: nil,
                                      completion: { [weak self] finished in
                                        guard let self = self else { return }
                                        self.onboardingCoordinator = nil
                                        toVC.didMove(toParent: self.rootViewController)

Animated GIF

Thanks a lot.


it appears that the initial position of the tabbar and the navigation bar are not the as expected, they are slightly outside the screen

Do you mean search and magnifying glass ?

Have you defined constraints on the views ? Which (for all the views in the VC)

Could post a screenshot showing the list of constraints