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Posts under visionOS tag

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I'm taking my iOS/iPadOS app and converting it so it runs on visionOS. I’m trying to compile my app, build it, for both visionOS and iOS. When I try to build for an iPhone and iPad simulator, I get the following error:  Building for 'iphonesimulator', but realitytool only supports [xros, xrsimulator] I’m thinking I might need to do a # if conditional compilation statement for visionOS so iOS doesn’t try to build lines of code but I can’t for this particular error find out for which file or code I need to do the conditional compilation. Anyone know how to get rid of this error? 
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Dear developers, now that we have played with Vision Pro for 3 months, I am wondering why some features are missing on Vision Pro, especially some seem to be very basic/fundamental. So I would like to see if you know more about the reasons or correct me if I'm wrong! You are also welcome to share features that you think is fundamental, but missing on Vision Pro. My list goes below: (1) GPS/Compass: cost? heat? battery? (2) Moving image tracking: surrounding environment processing is already too computing intensive? (3) 3D object tracking: looks like only supported on iOS and iPadOS, but not visionOS (4) Does not invoke application focus/pause callback: maybe I'm wrong? But we were not able to detect if an app has been put on background or brought to foreground to invoke a callback
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I'm trying to understand better how to 'navigate' around a large USD scene inside a RealityView in SwiftUI (itself in a volume on VisionOS). With a little trial and error I have been able to understand scale and translate transforms, and I can have the USD zoom to 'presets' of different scale and translation transforms. Separately I can also rotate an unscaled and untranslated USD, and have it rotate in place 90 degrees at a time to return to a rotation of 0 degrees. But if I try to combine the two activities, the rotation occurs around the center of the USD, not my zoomed location. Is there a session or sample code available that combines these activities? I think I would understand relatively quickly if I saw it in action. Thanks for any pointers available!
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Hello,technologists! I want to take screenshot in visionOS,but i dont know which API is applicative。Now,i try to use “RPScreenRecorder” ,but it‘s not work。And “UIScreen” is not supported by visionOS。
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WindowGroup{ SolarDisplayView() .environment(model) } .windowStyle(.plain) Why is the code above correct while the code below reports an error? How to modify the following code? WindowGroup{ SolarDisplayView() .environment(model) } .windowStyle(model.isShow ? .plain : .automatic)
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In the past, Apple recommended restricting USDZ models to a maximum of 100,000 triangles and a texture sizes of 2048x2048 for Apple QuickLook (and I think for RealityKit on iOS in general). Does Apple have any recommended max polygon counts for visionOS? Is it the same for models running in a Volumetric window in the shared space and in ImmersiveSpace? What is the recommended texture size for visionOS? (I seem to recall 8192x8192, but I can't find it now)
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I've created a Full Immersive VisionOS project and added a spacial video player in the ImmersiveView swift file. I have a few buttons on a different VideosView swift file on a floating window and i'd like switch the video playing in ImmersiveView when i click on a button in VideosView file. Video player working great in ImmersiveView: RealityView { content in if let videoEntity = try? await Entity(named: "Video", in: realityKitContentBundle) { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video1", withExtension: "mov") else {fatalError("Video was not found!")} let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url) let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset) let player = AVPlayer() videoEntity.components[VideoPlayerComponent.self] = .init(avPlayer: player) content.add(videoEntity) player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem) }else { print("file not found!") } } Buttons in floating window from VideosView: struct VideosView: View { var body: some View { VStack{ Button(action: {}) { Text("video 1").font(.title) } Button(action: {}) { Text("video 2").font(.title) } Button(action: {}) { Text("video 3").font(.title) } } } } In general how do I control the video player across views and how do I replace the video when each button is selected. Any help/code/links would be greatly appreciated.
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I'm creating a full immersive app of a large 3d environment in which I need to be able to move the player with different options like, hand gestures, game controller and teleporting. I have worked with unreal engine in which moving the player is easy and well documented. But I have not been able to find any information on how I could achieve this in visionOS. Has anyone done something similar that could give me some advice or sample code? any help appreciated Guillermo
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We want to overlay a SwiftUI attachment on a RealityView, like it is done in the Diorama sample. By default, the attachments seem to be placed centered at their position. However, for our use-case we need to set a different anchor point, so the attachment is always aligned to one of the corners of the attachment view, e.g. the lower left should be aligned with the attachment's position. Is this possible?
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As the title says. While I can find the video capture on the desktop but I can not find where it is storing the screenshots even when it says Screenshot's succeeded. I am referencing this:
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I have the Vision Pro developer strap, do I need to do anything to make Instruments transfer the data over it rather than wifi? Or will it do that automatically? It seems incredibly slow for transferring and then analysing data. I can see the Vision Pro recognised in Configurator, so assume it's working. Otherwise.. Any tips for speeding up Instruments? Capturing 5 mins of gameplay (high-freq) then takes 30-40+ mins to appear in Instruments on an M2 Max 32gb. Thanks!
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I have a unity scene which i have created for vision pro and i have also created a biomatric authentication application for vision os using Xcode and swift. What i want to do is call unity scene after the authentication has taken place form the xcode. now i have seen medium post but it only shows how we can do that for apps, I am not bale to do that for vision Pro I have followed this post : All this i am doing because as far as i know Apple vision pro is not currently supporting optic id authentication with unity's polyspatial plugin. Any help on this will be appreciated. Thank you in advace.
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I have some usdz files saved and I would like to make thumbnails for them in 2D of course. I was checking Creating Quick Look Thumbnails to Preview Files in Your App but it says Augmented reality objects using the USDZ file format (iOS and iPadOS only) I would like to have the same functionality in my visionOS app. How can I do that? I thought about using some api to convert 3d asset into 2d asset, but it would be better If I could do that inside the Swift environment. Basically I wanna do Image(uiImage: "my_usdz_file")
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New to Apple development. Vision Pro is the reason I got a developer license and am learning XCode, SwiftUI .... The Vision Pro tutorials seem to use WIFI or the developer strap to connect the Development environment to the Vision Pro. I have the developer strap, but can't use it on my company computer. I have been learning using the developer tools, but I can't test the apps on my personal Vision Pro. Is there a way to generate an app file on the Mac Book that I can download to the Vision Pro? This would be a file that I could transfer to cloud storage and download using Safari to the Vision Pro. I will eventually get a Vision Pro at work, but till then I want to start developing.
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I built two parts of my app a bit disjointed: my physics component, which controls all SceneReconstruction, HandTracking, and WorldTracking. my spatial GroupActivities component that allows you to see personas of those that join the activity. My problem: When trying to use any DataProvider in a spatial experience, I get the ARKit Session Event: dataProviderStateChanged, which disables all of my providers. My question: Has anyone successfully been able to find a workaround for this? I think it would be amazing to have one user be able to be the "host" for the activity and the scene reconstruction provider still continue to run for them.
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I'm trying to understand how Apple handles dragging windows around in an immersive space. 3d Gestures seem to be only half of the solution in that they are great if you're standing still and want to move the window an exaggerated amount around the environment, but if you then start walking while dragging, the amplified gesture sends the entity flying off into the distance. It seems they quickly transition from one coordinate system to another depending on if the user is physically moving. If you drag a window and start walking the movement suddenly matches your speed. When you stop moving, you can push and pull the windows around again like a super hero. Am I missing something obvious in how to copy this behavior? Hello world, which uses the 3d gesture has the same problem. You can move the world around but if you walk with it, it flies off. Are they tracking the head movement and if it's moved more than a certain amount it uses that offset instead? Is there anything out of the box that can do this before I try and hack my own solution?
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I am trying to launch openImmersiveSpace, but seem like there is an issue with the openImmersiveSpace Task. Error: Static method 'buildExpression' requires that 'Task<OpenImmersiveSpaceAction.Result, Never>' conform to 'View' Here is the code and the error shows up on the "Task" line. import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct TestView: View { @Environment(\.openImmersiveSpace) var openImmersiveSpace @Environment(\.dismissImmersiveSpace) var dismissImmersiveSpace var body: some View { VStack{ Text("Open Full Immersive & switch to NextViewArea") NavigationLink { Task { await openImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") } NextViewArea() } label:{ Label(" Enter Full Immersive Space") } } } } How can I move onto the next view area in the floating window while also launching full immersive space. Any help would be much appreciated.
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I'm building a visionOS app which loads a Reality Composer scene with a large number of models. The app includes several of these scenes, and allows the user to switch between them. Because the scenes have a large number of models, I want to unload the currently loaded scene before loading a different one. So far I have been unable to reclaim all of the used memory by removing the entities from the scene. I've made a few small changes to the Mixed Immersive app template which demonstrate this behavior which I've included below (apparently I'm unable to upload a zip file with the entire project). Using just the two spheres included in the reality kit content the leaked memory is fairly small, but if you add a couple larger models to the scene (I was able to easily find free ones online) then the memory leak becomes much more obvious. When the immersive space is initially opened, I'm seeing roughly 44MB of used memory (as shown in the Xcode Debug navigator). Each time I tap the "Load Models" and then "Unload Models" buttons, the memory use decreases but does not get back down to the initial amount. Subsequent loads and unloads will continue to increase the used memory (the amount of increase will depend on the models that you add to the scene). Also note that I've seen similar memory increases when dynamically creating the entities. Inside ViewModel.loadModels I've included some commented out code that dynamically creates entities instead of loading a Reality Composer scene. Is there a way to fully reclaim the used memory? I've tried many different ways to clear the RealityKit entities but so far have been unsuccessful. struct RKMemTestApp: App { private var viewModel = ViewModel() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(viewModel) } ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") { ImmersiveView() .environment(viewModel) } } } Add this above the body in ContentView: @Environment(ViewModel.self) private var viewModel The ContentView body should be: VStack { Toggle("Show ImmersiveSpace", isOn: $showImmersiveSpace) .font(.title) .frame(width: 360) .padding(24) .glassBackgroundEffect() Button("Load Models") { viewModel.loadModels() } Button("Unload Models") { viewModel.unloadModels() } } ImmersiveView: struct ImmersiveView: View { @Environment(ViewModel.self) private var viewModel var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let rootEntity = viewModel.rootEntity { content.add(rootEntity) } } update: { content in if viewModel.rootEntity == nil && !content.entities.isEmpty { content.entities.removeAll() } else if let rootEntity = viewModel.rootEntity, content.entities.isEmpty { content.add(rootEntity) } } } } ViewModel: import Foundation import Observation import RealityKit import RealityKitContent @Observable class ViewModel { var rootEntity: Entity? init() { } func loadModels() { Task { if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) { Task { @MainActor in if rootEntity == nil { rootEntity = Entity() } rootEntity!.addChild(scene) } } } /*if rootEntity == nil { rootEntity = Entity() } for _ in 0..<1000 { let mesh = MeshResource.generateSphere(radius:0.1) let material = SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, roughness: 0, isMetallic: true) let entity = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]) entity.position = [Float.random(in: 0.0..<1.0), Float.random(in: 0.5..<1.5), -Float.random(in: 1.5..<2.5)] rootEntity!.addChild(entity) }*/ } func unloadModels() { rootEntity?.children.removeAll() rootEntity?.removeFromParent() rootEntity = nil } }
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Hi, guys. I am preparing to develop a Vision Pro app with Unity. The Play to Device, which connects Unity Engine and Vision Pro, worked well, and there was no problem with the connection with Vision Pro simulator. But when I tried to connect Xcode and Vision Pro, I couldn't see Vision Pro itself in the device list. (The iPhone 11, which was wired as a test, recognizes well.) I looked up the forum and it was simple to connect. The link to the post I found is below. I don't know why it's not working even though I look up YouTube. Leaving my work environment, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a helpful answer. MacBook : M2 MacBook Xcode Ver. : 15.3 VisionPro Ver. : 1.1.2 Developer accounts: All use the same Apple developer account