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Posts under DocC tag

21 Posts
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(How) Can I use DocC for internal documentation?
As presented in the talks and documentation I’ve seen so far, DocC works for public and open Swift symbols. But how about stuff for internal use? We are developing a fairly complex mixed source SDK with several components, that would benefit greatly from direct integration of auxiliary content for diagrams and so on. But since many of these parts are for internal use only, they have module or below level visibility. Is there a way to build an internal documentation target that includes this information with DocC, and — if so — how?
Import DocC to Xcode
I'm trying to figure out how to build DocC from other frameworks to Xcode's Developer Documentation. I tried using the build documentation command, and it generates the DocC for my project and displays it in the Developer Documentation, but not libraries in the SPM. The code documentation does appear in the Developer Documentation, but the contents of the DocC are not shown.
Apr ’24
Xcode "Build documentation" not working with Swift Macro package in project
I have a workspace with my project and a Swift Macro. When I use the "Build Documentation" command the build fails with this error: fatal error: module map file '/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Project-fmdkuqlofexbqdhhitpgjnoqzyrz/Build/Intermediates.noindex/GeneratedModuleMaps-iphoneos/Macros.modulemap' not found Is there a way around this?
Feb ’24
Missing ModuleMap with Docbuild
When performing xcodebuild docbuild I'm getting an error that I'm missing a module map for one of my Swift Packages I've included in the project. This is because I want to build the docbuild for iOS only, but have the Swift Package as a macOS only import fatal error: module map file '/Users/administrator/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/GeneratedModuleMaps-iphoneos/SQLite.modulemap' not found The docbuild is as follows xcodebuild docbuild \ -scheme *** \ -derivedDataPath ${DD_LOCATION} \ -configuration Release \ -sdk iphoneos \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES \ BUILD_DIR=${WORKSPACE}/build \ DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=*** \ The Swift package mentioned is added as macOS only with an optional linkage and I have excluded the paths from source files which makes me able to run the app via xcode. Is there anything else I should be doing to exclude this from being added to the iOS side of our project? Thanks in advance for any help. I'm posting on here as this is generic for any Swift Packages which support iOS and macOS but important as a single OS package.
Feb ’24
Documentation Deprecated Note
In the case of an entire framework being deprecated, like ML Compute, is there a note left somewhere or a link that helps explain the direction and intended replacement? When visiting the ML Compute page, there are just lots of "deprecated" badges, but no resource that provides explanation.
Feb ’24
visionOS DOCC command line build documentation fails
Hi, I am working on a visionOS Swift Package. I'm trying to generate the documentation for preview and export with the following commands, however I keep getting the error: /Users/chris/myfile.swift:6:8: error: no such module 'UIKit' import UIKit - I'm using UIKit for a color variable. My Package has: ... platforms: [.visionOS(.v1)] ... Failing Commands: swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation and PACKAGE_NAME=packageName REPOSITORY_NAME=repoName OUTPUT_PATH=./docs swift package --allow-writing-to-directory $OUTPUT_PATH \ generate-documentation --target $PACKAGE_NAME \ --disable-indexing \ --transform-for-static-hosting \ --hosting-base-path $REPOSITORY_NAME \ --output-path $OUTPUT_PATH The documentation does build if I build it from within Xcode's Product->Build Documentation menu Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong here?
Feb ’24
I wanna use both swift and objc for a docc documentation
I created a doccarchive that supports objc and swift using xcode build setting DOCC_EXTRACT_SWIFT_INFO_FOR_OBJC_SYMBOLS. When I made a docc document, I can select objc or swift on Xcode documentation like the yellow box of the below image. However, when I rendered to a web server, that selection link is gone. Blue box of the 2nd image works different way with yellow box of 1st image. The yellow one shows all functions. Even functions not written in that language are converted to other languages and displayed. But the blue one shows functions only written in the selected language. Rendering follows..
Jan ’24
Where is help on Swift documentation markup?
I am reluctant to admit that I only came to know that Swift provides a builtin documentation markup syntax just a few months ago. /** Test func Some description here. - Parameters: - b:Test - d: Test - f: Test - Returns: Bool */ func myMethod(a b:Int, c d:Int, e f:Int) -> Bool { b > d } It seems the markup is pretty simple and has only a few keywords. But, I want to read through the complete reference. Any useful pointers?
Dec ’23
DocC: Is it possible to truly compile the tutorial's code and get compiler errors/warnings
The idea is to make it easer to update documentation when API changes or when code is not correct. Is it possible to make the code file declared like this: @Code(name: "AppDelegate.swift", file: AppDelegate.swift) And the content of the AppDelegate.swift file is: import UIKit @main class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { func application( _ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? ) -> Bool { compiler error should be raised here return true } } After doing "Product > Build Documentation" the output gives the following documentation and there is not warning or errors during the build: Thank you for your answers.
Dec ’23
How to exclude files and paths for Swift-DocC compilation process?
Intro I have a framework A and its dependency B. I wrote some documentation using DocC syntax for only framework A and would like to compile documentation for only this framework using Xcode and doing the following steps: Choose a right scheme of framework A Product → Build Documentation (⌃ ⇧ ⌘ D) Expected A generated documentation for only framework A. In fact It tries to compile a doc not only for framework A but for dependency B as well. Problem Unknown reason of failure. It happens because Xcode tries to create a doc for dependency B as well. Questions Is there any way to configure the process of building a doc excluding unnecessary files and paths? If 1st question yes, so where and how? Does a selected scheme affect on DocC compiler process at all? Or the compiler tries to handle all sources he has within .xcworkspace including all .xcodeproj and their dependencies inside workspace? Details Build Documentation_2023-10-20.txt.txt FYI Software: Version: Xcode → 15.0 Swift → 5.9 Dependency B (Realm) → 10.43.1 All the best, Ivan. P.S. I'd been happy to see support Markdown's tables here with more rich visual experience.
Oct ’23
@_documentation(visibility: ...) for c Files
Hi, I see that @_documentation(visibility: ...) is available and I have it working for swift source files when using DocC. My question is how to do the same thing for c source (the .h header files specifically)? I haven't been able to find a way to exclude methods or variables in c code from the documentation DocC creates. I'd also be fine with excluding c header files entirely from DocC. Is this available? If so, how could it be done? Mark
Jun ’23
Intermediate compiler docc results
DocC is a documentation compiler. Being a compiler, it would make sense that when moving from the Markdown representation to a HTML representation there would be some intermediate output -- an AST, etc. I am wondering if and how one could get access to the AST, for example, representation of the documentation...?
Jun ’23