Apple Unity Plug-Ins

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Connect your game to Game Center, Core Haptics, PHASE audio, accessibility, and game controller frameworks.

Posts under Apple Unity Plug-Ins tag

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Vision Pro Unity Build and Xcode (Swift) vision os build merge
I have a unity scene which i have created for vision pro and i have also created a biomatric authentication application for vision os using Xcode and swift. What i want to do is call unity scene after the authentication has taken place form the xcode. now i have seen medium post but it only shows how we can do that for apps, I am not bale to do that for vision Pro I have followed this post : All this i am doing because as far as i know Apple vision pro is not currently supporting optic id authentication with unity's polyspatial plugin. Any help on this will be appreciated. Thank you in advace.
CloudKit + CloudSave for Unity not building in Xcode
I'm trying to integrate the option to the player to save their data in the cloud, I integrate the CloudKit, change some stuff to make it work and build in Xcode to my phone. But when I try to integrate the CloudSave, 50 unnasigned symbols jump,like this one: Undefined symbol: _CKContainer_Default I managed to fix them by updating the recommended settings for Xcode. But then 4 more errors appear: Sandbox: il2cpp(12538) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/Username/Test Apple Kit 2022/Build/Il2CppOutputProject/IL2CPP/build/deploy_arm64/il2cpp So, don't let me build and I've looked everywhere but no one seems to had this same error
The bundle 'Payload/{app name}/Frameworks/AppleCoreNative.framework' is missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString.
When I distribute a app that includes Apple Unity plugin, I got an error of asset validation failed. The bundle 'Payload/{app name}/Frameworks/AppleCoreNative.framework' is missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString. Does anyone get this?
Apr ’24
Unity App - VisionOS simulator - Simulator microphone crash when called
Hello, I am currently testing microphone features on VisionOS through Unity App.

I’m stuck with a bug, related to the calling of simulated microphone device. Would you please help me to find a solution to work through this bug ? Choses are the results of the Xcode console while debugging my simulated VisionOS app. Unity functions : StartRecording() InteractionControllerScript:Update() Microphone.Start(Microphone.devices[0], false, duration, 44000); (where the line of code crash). Simulated Xcode VisionOS side : MEMixerChannel.cpp:1006 MEMixerChannel::EnableProcessor: failed to open processor type 0x726f746d AURemoteIO.cpp:1162 failed: -10851 (enable 1, outf< 2 ch, 0 Hz, Float32, deinterleaved> inf< 1 ch, 44100 Hz, Int16>) Starting microphone failed: "An error occured trying to initialize the recording device. " (70) Unity version : 2022.3.24f1 Xcode version : 15.3 Mac Version : MacBook Air M3 2024 Mac Os : 14.3 (23D2057) Thx a lot.
Apr ’24
GameKit authentication not working on Intel based devices
Hello, As stated in the title, we implemented the GameKit unity package. We did a lot of testing and never encountered any issue related to the authentication until now, andwe identified that the device with the issue was Intel. The configurations and provisioning profile used are correctly set. I was wondering if any of you encountered this issue or had an idea how to debug this? Thanks!
Apr ’24
ARKit rgbimage frame acces
Hi, Im Unity Developer and using Apple ARkit XR Plugin package for my project development. I want to access ARkit rgbimage frame and convert to texture2D in my project. It seems that ARkit overrides camera authorization both back and front, so grabbing wecamtexture using another API(e.g. unitywebcamtexture class) does not allowed. Also ARKit does not provide official root to directly get frame from AR camera. Is ther anyone resolved this issue? Thank you.
Apr ’24
Cannot locate Release or Debug native libraries for Apple Unity plugins for iOS.
I am in Unity 2022.3.21f1 using the Apple plugins for Unity with the following versions: Apple.Core - 3.1.0 Apple.Accessibility - 1.1.0 Apple.GameController - 1.2.0 Apple.GameKit - 2.2.0 I am on MacOS 14.4 Apple Silicon and Xcode 15.3. I started working in a file that I haven't worked on in a while, and found that I was getting errors in Unity with the Apple.Accessibility plugin, so I updated the Apple plugins and stopped getting the errors. However, when I went to build my project (which is just for iOS), I now get the following error for each of the four plugins I have installed: Please ensure that the build invocation (, xcodebuild, or Xcode) compiled cleanly and that the build was configured to support Release on iOS. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Apple.Core.AppleNativeLibraryUtility:ProcessWrapperLibrary (string,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,string,UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode.PBXProject) (at ./Library/PackageCache/ Apple.GameController.Editor.AppleGameControllerBuildStep:OnProcessFrameworks (Apple.Core.AppleBuildProfile,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,string,UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode.PBXProject) (at ./Library/PackageCache/ Apple.Core.AppleBuild:OnPostProcessBuild (UnityEditor.BuildTarget,string) (at ./Library/PackageCache/ UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallGlobalEventHandler () (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:493) I downloaded these plugins from Github and built with the script, and had no errors in doing so. I've tried rebuilding multiple times and even specifying the platform as Release (although the default is all so it should have built Release anyways). I've tried rolling back to previous versions of the plugins as well with no luck so far. I don't remember which exact versions I used to be on but have had no luck with the approximate ones. Does anyone know how I can point Unity to the NativeRelease folders? I've checked that the frameworks for my libraries are there (i.e. at ../Library/PackageCache/
Mar ’24
Sign in with Apple Game Kit Unity plugin return blank DisplayName on VisionOS
In VisionOS1.1, when using the & to sign in Apple Game Center. var player = await GKLocalPlayer.Authenticate(); Debug.Log($"GKLocalPlayer Player: {player.DisplayName}"); Debug.Log($"GKLocalPlayer Player Alias: {player.Alias}"); it returns GKLocalPlayer Player: GKLocalPlayer Player Alias: Unknown all other parameters are fine, except for the DisplayName is blank and the Alias returns "Unknown". However, it works fine on iOS.
Mar ’24
Audio Position locked on App start for Fully Immersive Unity builds. No head tracked audio. Often starts hard panned to left or right
I’ve noticed that audio is locked into position with builds. It sometimes comes out the left ear, other times the right. I occasionally get it working with both, but the audio isn’t moving with head tracking. I've seen other reports of this issue in the Unity support forums too. Any ideas on how to fix this? Its being reported in my app reviews as a negative.
Mar ’24
DerivedData Error while Xcode archieving Unity game with Admob.
I am trying to achieving the Game when getting this error. While the enable bitcode = yes. Please help. Showing All Messages '/Users/sulemanmohyudin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-dfebhupnfzfihzgsoxlgtcivnxqx/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/XCFrameworkIntermediates/GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport/GoogleAppMeasurement.framework/GoogleAppMeasurement(APMAdExposureReporter.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. file '/Users/sulemanmohyudin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-dfebhupnfzfihzgsoxlgtcivnxqx/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/XCFrameworkIntermediates/GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport/GoogleAppMeasurement.framework/GoogleAppMeasurement' for architecture arm64
Feb ’24
[iOS 17] GKAppLevelSignInVisibility fetchAppLevelVisibilityConstraintsWithHandler crash
We noticing below crash mainly happening in iOS 17. Can someone check and confirm what is the root cause for this and how to fix the crash. GKAppLevelSignInVisibility fetchAppLevelVisibilityConstraintsWithHandler Thread 36 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001904a9d6c -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKeyedSubscript:] + 452 (NSDictionaryM.m:202) 1 GameCenterUICore 0x000000020fe6d508 __76+[GKAppLevelSignInVisibility fetchAppLevelVisibilityConstraintsWithHandler:]_block_invoke_3 + 84 (GKAppLevelSignInVisibility.m:82) 2 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8971c @objc closure #1 in LimitedPresentationManager.presentationDisabled(config:context:) + 268 3 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8b111 partial apply for @objc closure #1 in LimitedPresentationManager.presentationDisabled(config:context:) + 1 4 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8b101 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> () + 1 5 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8b105 partial apply for thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> () + 1 6 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8aa0d specialized thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> (@out A) + 1 (:0) 7 GameCenterFoundation 0x00000001c8b8ab6d partial apply for specialized thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable @async () -> (@out A) + 1 (:0) 8 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x000000019b78da41 completeTaskWithClosure(swift::AsyncContext*, swift::SwiftError*) + 1 (Task.cpp:463) Full iOS crash log
Feb ’24
Need Help with Unity Vision Pro Application
I was trying to built a ChatGPT like assistant/client using Unity on MacOSX. The web service is running locally and I am able to test it on both the Vision Pro Simulator as well as doing curl request and they work, but when I deploy it in the actual device, I get network error. I am trying to find what would make vision pro actually make a successful http call to the local service using the C# script i am using. I have tried the following hostname to see if it works (all machines inc AVP are on sample network) The local IP address - 192.x.x.x localhost Here is the error i see on the AVP. Task <14990261-F296-4D80-B2C4-FF0501E1B2F2>.<1> finished with error [-1004] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=61, NSUnderlyingError=0x28279fa20 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_NSURLErrorNWPathKey=satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: lo0, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=61, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <14990261-F296-4D80-B2C4-FF0501E1B2F2>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask <14990261-F296-4D80-B2C4-FF0501E1B2F2>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1} ------------------------------------------- Error While Sending: Cannot connect to destination host <postRequestWithJson>d__4:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) -> applicationWillResignActive() -> applicationDidEnterBackground() Can anyone point me to what I am doing incorrectly. I am new to xcode and apple products dev in general
Feb ’24
Several Mapping SDKs from Unity throwing same error
I'm testing all of the existing mapping SDKs from Unity via the PolySpatial workflow to see if any of them work on the Vision Pro. ArcGIS and Bing SDKs both play successfully in Editor, and Build successfully from Unity, but they both hit the same errors when building in Xcode (captured in screenshot attached). Is this a common error in Xcode? I can't find much on it. Thanks!
Feb ’24
Getting your Game featured by Apple is Mission Impossible
I developed games on the Apple App store for about half a decade or 5 years with 0 recognition from Apple. We developed a lot of games over the wasted years. Our company was forced to quit because we don't have any more money to invest on the App Store. We couldn't get even 1 of our games featured by the headquarters of Apple. We localized 22 languages for most of our games, used their latest features, latest technologies, unique, Gamepad enabled etc..... We pretty much did everything you need to do to get featured in accordance with their criteria listed and of course after we filled out the feature form so over and over and over and over even after updating the version with no reply from Apple for featuring any of them. It was a waste of time and investment for us. If I knew how impossible it was to get featured by Apple, I would have never pursued this as a full-time career. We lost more money than gained anything. We probably made approximately only $12-$14 dollars in 5 years (PEANUT SHELLS, not even the peanuts). We basically went broke, and we owed more money than we made. We were getting very close to getting reprocessed. I could have worked at McDonalds and flipped burgers for 5 years then waste more money on the App Store as a developer. Apple doesn't seem to care about their developers in my opinion. They only care about the big publishing companies. I believe that they sometimes feature simple games in order to target new developers. So basically, this might be their marketing strategy to target new developers so they can make more money $$$$. They make billions of dollars on developers who pay those $100 yearly developers' fee. I believe they may only help developers they know or met, so I suspect they are playing favoritism with their developers. I've seen new developers with no experience get promoted immediately by the App store promotion team. Some even got promoted with no ratings, no reviews, on their launch period etc... That was very suspicious for me to see as if they are taking bribes under the table. Some games are very dull and boring, 2 color, poor design and controls. It felt as if 3rd grader developed them, and they get featured right away by Apple, and of course our hard work with a bigger game app, better controls etc. goes down the drain. When we decided to quit the App Store because it was pointless to fill out the feature form at this point after 5 years of nothing. So, we left our account untouched meaning we weren't going to give them the $100 renewal fee, they all of a sudden started to send out emails that our account is expiring, so we ignored them like they ignored us for the past 5 years (treat people the way they treat you). They gave us an extra month so that we will think about out. We ignored them again, why should we give a Trillion-dollar company $100 to get rich off of us and they give us no recognition!! They made the decision not to help keep us as developers, so why should we renew our license with them. I won't even give them $1 dollar if they Offred us to renew our license. They basically seem to only care about developers when they want money from them. So, they ended up losing not only a developer, but they also lost a customer as well (loyal developer and customer). That's shameful on Apple's part and they seem to be shameless because they don't seem care anyway. We can't afford to buy their products we invested it all on the App Store for half a decade. I will never develop for Apple ever again!! I learned my lesson not to fall into their traps they use to lure you into being a developer. The odds of them helping you as a developer is nil. You can even read articles online about odds of getting featured by Apple (my opinion 0% chance or even -% chance: meaning never). Some of the games they feature on the App Store, I personally delete them after playing them for a few seconds. BORING just like Apple is. I suspect in my opinion that they only feature developers they know like I mentioned earlier in this blog. Who knows they could be bribes under the table even though Apple would deny it. I lost all my integrity with Apple and being a developer on the App Store. Other developers should be aware and careful. They should be cautioned if they are thinking of being a developer on the App Store. They are likely more than not to fail as developers. Apple wants you to believe you will be the next hit game developer, so they can target new developers and cash in on them when they pay the yearly fee. In my opinion I believe being app game developer seems to be more like a sweepstakes scam. They seem to choose whoever they want whenever they want. There is no way you can earn a spot to get featured or promoted by the App Store. Getting your game featured by Apple is basically "An Impossible Dream."
Feb ’24
About the key"Supports opening documents in place"and the Container Import of Xcode 15.2
when I use Xcode14 build on the iOS16, the keys"Supports opening documents in place"and"Application supports iTunes file sharing"works normally, it has a App folder in"My iPhone".But it's strange that when I update my Xcode and iOS to 15.2 and 17.2, it s don't working.not only there is not a App folder in"My iPhone",but also the container doesn't works too.More specifically speaking, I download the container from the device and add files into "Documents"folder. when I try to replace the container, it has no respond, and files cannot be founded in the device as well. But when I try to download the container from the device again, I found that the files is already there. Environment: MacBook Pro 2017 with macOS 13.6.3 Xcode 15.2 iPad Air 5 with iOS 17.2
Feb ’24
Do i need to add a alternative sign-in option in my app even though the only option i provide is apple sign-in
i heard that i need to provide an alternative option to create account in my app if i use any third party social platform to create account which is facebook in my case. so i removed the facebook login option and added only apple sign in. now my doubt is, should i provide another option for the player? or is it alright with only apple sign in
Feb ’24
Apple GameKit EntryPointNotFoundException
I have build the plugins and added to project but when I run game I am getting these errors EntryPointNotFoundException: AppleCore_GetRuntimeEnvironment assembly: type: member:(null) Apple.Core.Availability.OnApplicationStart () (at Library/PackageCache/ EntryPointNotFoundException: GKLocalPlayer_GetLocal assembly: type: member:(null)
Jan ’24
Google mobile ads (native) for iOS games
Hi, do you have some documents how to implement native ads in Xcode but using ObjectiveC or Swift for mobile game exported through Unity. What is the best way? If you have some projects, can you share them just to see implementation? The main problem is when I export game using Unity the whole concept of Xcode is different. I need to make "framework or pattern" for all games I want to export. Thanks in further!
Jan ’24
Apple Core Package for Unity
I have installed the aple game kit and when it is time to build the packages i go to unity pakage manager and find the .tgz file and open it but the apple core pakage does not appear on the list inside package manager. Using unity 2022.2.2 [08:53:18] [Package Manager Window] Error adding package: file:./Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkg.tgz. Unable to add package file: /Assets/External Packages/unitvolugins-main/Build/fbx20133 converter mac.nka.tazl: [08:56:07] [Package Manager Window] Error adding package: file:./Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkq.tqz. Unable to add package tile:.. Assets/External Packages unitvplugins-mainBulld/TbX20133_converter mac.pka.taz: [08:59:311 [Package Manager Window] Error adding package: file../ Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkg.tgz. unable to add package TIle….. AssETS/External Packages unityplugins-main/Bulld/TOX20133_converter_mac.pkq.tqz: [09:03:111 [Package Manager Window] Error adding package: file../Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkg.tgz. unable to add package Tile:.. AssEts/Extemalackagesunitypiugins-main/Bulla/TOXU133_convener_mac.pko.toz]: ¿ Perso [Package Manager Window] Error adding package: file:./ Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkg.tgz. Unable to add package [file:../Assets/External Packages/unityplugins-main/Build/fbx20133_converter_mac.pkg.tgz]: The file L/var/folders/39/drmm3vg15tsggs7nt7z360lh0000gn/T/.tmp-9365-Q2GPWMjILnkO/package.json] cannot be found
Dec ’23