




AirPlay doesn't work correctly on iOS 17
User flow: u1. a user starts playing some audio in the app before playing was set category try audioSession.setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, policy: .longFormAudio) was activated category try audioSession.setActive(true, options: []) set nowPlayingInfo playing via AVPlayer u2. user taps on the button of "airplay" (AVRoutePickerView) and changes the route of sound u3. A user can hear sounds from a Bluetooth column, or connect to an Apple TV with its own audio system... Issue: On iOS 17, after changing the route to Apple TV, a user can not hear a sound(apple tv works properly but sounds unavailable(if I do the same on iOS 16 everything works correctly)). AVPlayer works correctly. in the app I only receive event(name AVAudioSession.routeChangeNotification), and reason: RouteChangeReason.categoryChange (doc description: The audio category has changed (AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback has been changed to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord).) Apps capabilities has "Background Mode" = Audio, AirPlay.... Questions: Does AirPlay require addition configs on iOS 17?(i tried to add in info.plist "AVInitialRouteSharingPolicy = LongformAudio" - this does not help me) What going on with AVPlayer?(it is playing, but where sound?) body of notification Printing description of notification: ▿ name = AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification, object = Optional(<AVAudioSession: 0x280089e10>), userInfo = Optional([AnyHashable("AVAudioSessionRouteChangePreviousRouteKey"): <AVAudioSessionRouteDescription: 0x2800a8960, inputs = ( ); outputs = ( "<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x2800a8300, type = Speaker; name = \U0414\U0438\U043d\U0430\U043c\U0456\U043a; UID = Speaker; selectedDataSource = (null)>" )>, AnyHashable("AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey"): 3]) - name : "AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification" - object : <AVAudioSession: 0x280089e10> ▿ userInfo : 2 elements ▿ 0 : 2 elements ▿ key : AnyHashable("AVAudioSessionRouteChangePreviousRouteKey") - value : "AVAudioSessionRouteChangePreviousRouteKey" - value : <AVAudioSessionRouteDescription: 0x2800a8960, inputs = ( ); outputs = ( "<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x2800a8300, type = Speaker; name = \U0414\U0438\U043d\U0430\U043c\U0456\U043a; UID = Speaker; selectedDataSource = (null)>" )> ▿ 1 : 2 elements ▿ key : AnyHashable("AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey") - value : "AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey" - value : 3
Nov ’23
How to extract the duration of m3u content?
I have a URL for playing if I put it to AVPlayer then the item duration equals nan. var itemDuration: Double? { return currentItem?.duration.seconds } I understand that m3u has a list of items(let's call them tracks) And AVPlayer knows how to automatically switch from one to another track (in the m3u file). but, How do I extract the duration of the current playing AVPlayer track(of m3u file)? Does AVPlayer support .m3u format? (it knows how to play but does not provide info data ) I described the same problem here.
Jul ’21