




Unable to Install App on User Devices after App Transfer to Different Developer Account
I have an app and I have transfered the app to another developer account. After tranfering the app to another account, I noticed the BundleID stay the same but the prefix of the AppID has changed: The old AppID: [old teamID].[bundleID] The new AppID: [new teamID].[bundleID] After uploaded the first build after app transfer with XCode Organizer, I received a warning about potential loss of Keychain Access, which is fine because my app doesn’t use Keychain Access. But the problem begin when I release the uploaded build for beta testing, the beta testers already have the app with old AppID installed , they can download the new app (after transfer) with testflight app but after downloading, the Testflight app do nothing, the button changed from “downloading” to “update” again. It seems like in the Testflight app, the old version of the app (with old AppID) can not be replaced with the new app (new AppID). But when I open the App Store, I able to download the app store version to the device, and after that, I can install the build in the Testflight as normal (it only work after I download the App Store version first). So I’m worrying, when I release a new version on the app store, there would be a risk, that user tap on “update” button, then it download and do nothing, then display the “download” button again. This would be very bad, because my users can not update the app again. Do anyone had the same problem, please tell me if it work, thank you
Jun ’23
Bug in Files App/FileManager: App folder is hidden and files in app folder can be read but not deleted
This is an old bug but it has never been fixed: App Folder do not shown in Files App. (UIFileSharingEnabled and LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace in info.plist are true) There was a workaround to make the app folder appears in Files app again: Restart device or simulator. But this trick doesn't work any more after I updated to XCode 13 and run simulators in iOS15. I can read files in the Documents folder of the app, but unable to delete or trash them. If I trash a file in the Documents folder, this error will appear: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4101 "Provider returned unsupported error" UserInfo={NSUserStringVariant=Trash, NSURL=file:///Users/***/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/***/data/Containers/Data/Application/***/Documents/, NSDebugDescription=Provider returned unsupported error, NSUnderlyingError=0x600001b93270 {Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=3 } ... However, I still can open the Documents folder from simulator with MacOS Finder and delete files from here. I believe this happens in production too because many users reported sometimes they can't delete files in the app. I would like to know if there is a solution for this problem
Sep ’21
2 weird bugs while working with sample project of pencilKit (PencilKitDraw)
I'm trying to customize CanvasView by stacking canvasViews. If user draw on a canvasView, the stroke will be passed to another canvasView and got delete in original canvasView. It works quite well but sometimes a stroke just got deleted and not being sent to another canvasView. It shows those 2 errors, I guess the first error occurs because after user stop using tool, Apple Pencil still send info to canvasView. But I don't know why it happened and why this error deleted a stroke on screen. The second error says me nothing. I think i need more context to be able to fix the bugs. PencilKitDraw[6594:2849236] [Stroke Generator] Missed updates at end of stroke: 2 (total points: 69) PencilKitDraw[6594:2848789] [] Drawing did change that is not in text.
Feb ’21