




SKOverlay did not disappear normally after calling the dismiss method
After the 'present' method is called in SKOverlay, the system will first load the SKOverlay and do the present animation after loading is complete. However, the user may leave the page during the loading process. At this time, we will call the 'dismiss' method (at this time, SKO may not have appeared, or SKO may be doing the appearance animation). According to my online statistics, there are some situations. a. SKO did not display (this is as expected) b. SKO suddenly appeared quickly and then disappeared after leaving the page for a while c. SKO displayed after leaving the page and did not disappear automatically. Do we have a way to completely solve problems b and c? Why can't dismissOverlayInScene completely stop the previous SKO's present task now? I would greatly appreciate it if I could get more information here to deal with this problem.
Apr ’24
SKAN 4.0, how to use SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier with 'loadProduct' API
'- (void)loadProductWithParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)parameters impression:(SKAdImpression *)impression completionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL result, NSError *error))block;' From the apple's document, iOS 16.1+ & SKAN 4.0, it seems that we need to create a SKAdImpression with SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier, then use this impression instance to create a SKStoreProductViewController. However, my questions are Can we use old API [*** loadProductWithParameters: @{SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier: xxxx, ...} completion:block]; to make SKAN 4.0 take effect? If no, how can we implement App Store preload + SKAN 4.0? In our existing business, we try to load product before the ads' impression, when user click some button, we present the preload SKStoreProductViewController.
Dec ’22
How to combine SKOverlay with SKAN
In SKAdNetwork, we need some params to open SKProductViewController to help ad attribution, such as SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkAttributionSignature, SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkIdentifier, SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkNonce, etc. But in SKOverlay, it seems that we can't use SKAdNetwork. How to combine SKOverlay with SKAN ?
Nov ’21