




Intermittent Audio Recording Failure and UI Freezing Issue in iOS App.
The application is developed in SwiftUI. Our application is responsible for audio recording, transcribing the audio file and uploading it to the backend. So, the 2 main components on the iOS application are : AVAudioRecorder, SFSpeechRecognizer. The UI compromises a visual design which showcases the recording of audio, and lets the user know if the audio is being recorded on not using a Text component. Lately the customer has been complaining that though the application says “Recording ” on the UI, their audios are not being are not being received at the backend. The customers try restarting there device(iPad) and the application started working normally We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue. But we suspect an intermittent failure in audio transmission or a potential UI freezing. Note : I have tried using Leaks instrument and had not encountered any memory leaks while using the application. Is there a way to determine whether the issue lies with the audio recorder, the speech recognizer, or elsewhere in the app? Are there any known issues or limitations with audio recorder lately on iOS that could be causing this behaviour? Please let me know if you have any suggestions to diagnose this issue. Also, do let me know if more information is required Thank you in advance
Apr ’24