




What steps to perform for the upcoming changes to the App Store receipt signing intermediate certificate?
Currently, my app validates App Store receipts on the device, so as per this news, I need to make changes to it, But I am unable to make a decision on where I should start, Can anyone please help me out on this? Do I need to make changes in the device receipt validation? If yes, what steps should I take? OR Should I do the receipt validation from the server side? If yes, then what steps to follow to make a receipt validation on the server? Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Jul ’23
Subscribers are required to opt-in before the price decrease, or it is only for price increases?
Recently I have read the news of an Update to subscription notifications, according to it, when an auto-renewable subscription price is increased, subscribers must opt-in before the price increase is applied. So Subscribers are required to opt-in before the price decrease, or it is only for price increases? Your answers will be helpful. Ref. Thanks
May ’22
Section 11.2 (Termination) states: Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA) violation
Hi All, Today I have got one mail from Apple as follows We are writing to inform you that your company is not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). Section 11.2 (Termination) states: (g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.). Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership. Please address this issue promptly. Here, what steps should I take to resolve the issue? If anyone has faced this type of issue earlier, please guide me to the solution
May ’22
iOS: Unable to see the option of App Icon in the Product Page Optimization page in the app store connect
As the Product Page Optimization option is now available in the App Store Connect, I thought to try it out. So I have created a test to try different App Icons. I have followed these steps to create a test and treatments for product page optimization, But there I am unable to see the option to change the App Icon for different treatments. There I can only see the screenshots, as you can see in the attached SS . Please let me know how can I get the option to change the App Icon for different treatments for Product Page Optimization.
Dec ’21
iOS 13: threading violation: expected the main thread
The app is being crashed when trying to hide the navigation bar for a ViewController only for iOS 13 users.- I got the crash on Crashlytics of Fabric which titled as below,Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyExceptionthreading violation: expected the main thread- I tried by hiding the NavigationBar for particular ViewController by using NavigationController's delegate method.func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) { let hide = (viewController is MyVC) navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden(hide, animated: animated) }Please help.Thanks
Oct ’19