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I built a mac app, using old fashioned frameworks, cocoa.I'm running Xcode Version 11.2.1 (11B500), on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G1012).My app runs in what appears to be non retina-resolution (labels, textfields, mapkit) when I launch the app from the /Applications folder.The build is obtained by choosing 'Archive', then 'Distribute App' and then 'Copy App'. The exported folder contains the app-bundle. When I launch this bundle from that folder, stored on ~/Desktop, it runs in seemingly retina resolution, but when I run it from /Applications, it runs in what appears non-retina resolution.The app has all Icons set, for all resolutions. What couls be causing this behaviour?
by Joride.
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Question:How can I make it so that the 'undo' menuItem actions reaches the NSApplication-subclass?Context:In my storyboard there is an NSMenuItem called 'Undo', it came with the template.My app uses a subclass of NSApplication, and in this class I implemented@objc func undo(_ sender: Any){}I did not implementoverride func validateMenuItem(_ menuItem: NSMenuItem) -> BoolIn the storyboard the menuItem's action is 'undo:', and the target is 'first responder'.The problem I have is that the menuItem is never enabled, and when I implement 'validateMenuItem(_:)', it is called only for 'startDictation:' and 'orderFrontCharacterPalette:'.However, when I change the method signature in my NSApplication subclass to:@objc@IBActionfunc undo2(_ sender: Any)and update the storyboard to use this action, this method DOES get called (note that it is called undo2)My application is not document based, and the structure is:WindowController -> Window -> ViewController -> TableViewNot sure it if this is relevant, but the viewController implements cut, copy, paste and delete, and as such has a validateMenuItem(_:) implementation.
by Joride.
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Is it possbible to avoid any app from accessing certain domains?For context: I noticed many, many apps accessing google tracking domains as well as facebook domains.I don't want or need either, so I would like to avoid having these apps send info to Google and facebook. Or actually anything other than their owns servers (from which they could still send the info to Google and facebook, but I'm hoping that is not common practice (yet?) ).
by Joride.
Last updated