




app transfer encountered subscription verification and login issues
For V1 used for internal purchase verification, when will the exclusive shared key regenerated after transfer be replaced? Will it affect in-app purchases and subscriptions by online users? The V2 used for internal purchase verification uses the key ID instead of the dedicated shared key. In this case, what should we pay attention to before and after the transfer? Do I need to regenerate the key ID for the new account? Is the private shared key still useful? Do I need to generate a dedicated shared key again in the transferred App? What will be the impact on existing subscriptions after the transfer? What do I need to do with the current existing subscriptions? We have used universalLink, do we need to add a new TeamId to the apple-app-site-assn. txt file? { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": “***.***”, "paths": [""] }, { "appID": “***.***”, "paths": [""] } ] } } We have stored the login information in Keychain Sharing, is there no way to get the original stored information after transfer? Is there a reasonable solution?
Mar ’24