Moving the selection handles in UITextSelectionDisplayInteraction

I am attempting to use UITextSelectionDisplayInteraction. It basically works, but I'm unsure how the selection handles are supposed to work. The documentation is minimal and the WWDC video (2023 session 10058) doesn't say much either.

As the name suggests, it seems that this interaction only displays the cursor, selection background, and handles. As I change the selection, it updates these views.

So if I want the user to be able to drag the selection handles I need to implement that, right? OK, so I add a gesture recognizer to each selection handle. But this doesn't seem to do anything, i.e. the gesture recognizer action never seems to be invoked.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong - but I'd like to understand what is supposed to happen. Is adding a pan gesture recognizer to each selection handle the right approach?

P.S. I wanted to tag this "WWDC2023-10058", but the per-session tags seem to have disappeared. Is this a forum bug, or deliberate?

Moving the selection handles in UITextSelectionDisplayInteraction