ReverseGeocode works badly (returns nonsense)

Users of my app are complaining about incorrect GPS location decoding. I found that the bug is in the reverseGeocode, because it returns nonsensical results.

Example: The user is located in Oberhausen, Deutschland at coordinates 51.482015, 6.887064. ReverseGeocode decodes the coordinates as "Oberhausen bei Kirn". It is mistaken 250 km!

ReverseGeocode works like this: 51.48, 6.88 - Oberhausen (OK) 51.482, 6.887 - Oberhausen bei Kirn (Error) 51.48, 6.89 - Oberhausen (OK)

Test result: If the coordinate precision is greater than 2 decimal places, the reverseGeocode does not work properly.

From what the user told me, more apps behave like this. Probably all that work with precise coordinates.

Please file a bug report about this at In the meantime, using 2 decimal place precision seems like a workable solution.

ReverseGeocode works badly (returns nonsense)