Exhausted WidgetKit Timeline Refreshes during Development

I've been developing widgets for an app and have been making frequent changes to the views to try different things out. Maybe I should be using previews for this, but I've been testing on simulators and my iPhone. I've found that after some point, my code all of a sudden stops affecting the widgets on my physical iPhone and on every simulator device, even after restarts of my laptop, wipes of the simulators, etc. And I'm not able to continue development until the next day. It seems like I'm hitting the hard limit for timeline requests in a day, but I feel like that shouldn't apply to simulators or should be refreshed when reinstalling for development?

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Settings app > Developer > Enable "WidgetKit Developer Mode", so that "your widgets will not be subject to the standard WidgetKit constraints to allow for debugging".

  • Thank you so much! I wasn't able to find this information anywhere else.

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Settings app > Developer > Enable "WidgetKit Developer Mode", so that "your widgets will not be subject to the standard WidgetKit constraints to allow for debugging".

  • Thank you so much! I wasn't able to find this information anywhere else.

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