WidgetKit - complication doesn't sync between watch and iPhone

I'm currently working with complication using widgetkit for watchOS. When I select complication from Watch app in iPhone, The complication does not show content. In complication gallery, untitled complication is selecting. But when I select complication from watch, it's OK.

This bug occurs in both real device and simulator. But it happen in some pair.


  • watch ultra (os 10.4) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 17.0): NG
  • watch ultra (os 10.4) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 16.1): NG
  • watch ultra (os 10.0) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 17.0): OK

I tried create simple project to check this bug. But this bug still occurs

This is sample project: Github

WidgetKit - complication doesn't sync between watch and iPhone