How to make content view extend beneath NavigationBar like in a ZStack?

I have view hierarchy like this:

        NavigationView {
            VStack {
                ScrollView { 
                      // some content
                                   isActive: $isActive) {
                 // snipped

When the user follows the navigation link to MyView, by default NavigationBar and MyView is laid out like in a VStack. How can I make them like in a ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) ? i.e. I like MyView extends beneath the NavigationBar.

Here is the MyView:

        GeometryReader { geo in
            HStack {
               // some content
            .onAppear {
                hideNavigationbar = false
            .onTapGesture(perform: {
// snipped

The problem is, when hideNavigationbar toggles, MyView would shift up and down because its height would change. I want NavigationBar sits on top of MyView like in a ZStack so that when NavigationBar hides, MyView will not shift (only uncover its top portion).

What is the proper way to achieve that?

XCode: 15.3 using SwiftUI

iOS: 15

  • I tried to use .edgesIgnoringSafeArea([.top]) modifier, but MyView still shift when NavigationBar hides, just shifting a different amount.

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