iPad app with NFC and camera - No compatible hardware

I'm working on an app (actually in Test Flight) that has camera and NFC support. So in iPhone is obviously working as expected, but when testers want to try the camera "aspect" of the app on iPads they can't even download the app it says "No compatible hardware" in Test Flight. What I need to do in this case, I already have a UI/UX solution when theres no NFC support or it's disabled (Android can detect this) but here I have no clue if I'm missing something. Thanks in advance

Answered by mmouy in 782521022

I have a required item for NFC in the Info.plist, was copy pasted from a flutter plugin for NFC github.

Accepted Answer

I have a required item for NFC in the Info.plist, was copy pasted from a flutter plugin for NFC github.

iPad app with NFC and camera - No compatible hardware