Convert ObjC+CoreData to Swift/SwiftUI+SwiftData?

I have an iOS app that's written in Objective-C, uses Core Data, and has a number of SwiftUI targets (Widgets, Watch app). I'd like to convert the main app to SwiftUI and keep access to the data in the Core Data stack, but move to SwiftData immediately. Since I'm doing a lot of rewriting, it makes sense to leap ahead rather than have to rewrite it in a year or two. Effort isn't an issue; I'm a tenacious SOB ;)

But I have no idea how to do this, and can't find any examples on the net of this particular scenario. All I can find is how to start using SwiftData instead of Core Data in an app that's already written in Swift.

So, how do I go about the migration without losing data?

I guess I'll need to add a new Swift/SwiftUI target for the main app, but then how do I migrate the Core Data store over? In ObjC there's a lot of messing with stacks and the actual location of the model in the filesystem, but I doubt this is necessary in the new way of doing things?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Convert ObjC+CoreData to Swift/SwiftUI+SwiftData?