App not building iOS 16 and lower on Xcode 15

I recently upgraded to Xcode 15 from Xcode 14, and now my app only runs iOS17. When I try running on iOS 15/16, I get a very generic memory Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0) crash when my app attempts to launch on the simulator. Also, if I upload a build from my device, the crash happens on all real devices not running iOS17.

My teammate is still running Xcode 14 and is able to build on iOS 15/16 devices (minimum is 15 for our app), and can push builds that work for all users.

Is this a known issue, or am I missing something simple? The fact that upgrading Xcode versions is the only variable has made it really difficult to diagnose.

The only thing I have tried so far is the suggested fix for a known issue in the Xcode 15 release notes ( However, this doesn't seem likely to be the same issue as my minimum deployment target is 15.0. (I also am not sure I implemented that 'fix' correctly...)

Any help or direction would be much appreciated, thanks!

I too am having a similar problem. I also inquired about the error at the link below, but there is no answer yet.

App not building iOS 16 and lower on Xcode 15