How to formate NFC tags to NDEF format?


I was using NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate at first to read and write the cards, but didDetect tags method did not detect any tag because my nfc tag is not pre-formatted, it was calling other delegate methods so I have my NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate setup correctly. Hence, I used NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate, didDetect tags method of NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate detected tag and the tag was not pre-formatted. The issue I have been facing is I am not able to write for the first time and getting an error

Error Domain=NFCError Code=102 "Tag Not NDEF formatted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Tag Not NDEF formatted}. 

When I used another app from apple store to write data on the same tag which is not pre-formatted. Using that app, I am able to write the data on that tag. That app was using CoreNFC framework I believe, as it has NFC session alert which seems it was from apple library CoreNFC, so I assume that there must be a way to write the data on unformatted nfc tags. Do I have to use any low level of commands? I am not sure how can I fix this issue. Please provide some sample code, suggestions, right path to make the tag ready to have NDEF format and able to write the data on it.

Here is my NFC tag details:

Did you ever figure out how to format the NFC tag?

How to formate NFC tags to NDEF format?