issues with my testing project C/C++

hey, im new to C/C++ development in Mac im trying to build a test project, im facing a project thta i can't fix.

when i tried to build my project, i get this error

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

which symbols are missing?

Show the the Report Navigator in Xcode

Click the most recent Build output

in the main panel of the window, scroll to the link error and highlight it

at the extreme right side of the error, you'll see a little lozenge-shaped control that looks like lines of text in a tiny document

click that to expose the details of the link error, that should help you figure out if you are missing a library or framework, and which one.

issues with my testing project C/C++