os_log not showing in Xcode 15 Console (watchOS, watch Simulator)


I just realized that all logs from the watchOS 10 simulator are not showing in the Xcode 15 console. When I run the same code to log on the iOS simulator the output is showing as expected.

Here's my sample code

os_log("Test OSLog", type: .debug)
os_log(.debug, "Test OSLog 2")
if #available(watchOS 7.0, *) {
    Logger(subsystem: "Test", category: "Test").debug("Test Logger OSLog")

None of the log functions above leads to any output in the console window in Xcode. Did anyone find a solution for that? I did not find anything about it so far in any other posts.

I'm still on the last Beta, but will update to RC soon.

Answered by AlexSFD in 764706022

Luckily that seems to be a bug that has been fixed on the RC of the watch simulator. I updated and all logs are outputted as expected.

Accepted Answer

Luckily that seems to be a bug that has been fixed on the RC of the watch simulator. I updated and all logs are outputted as expected.

This bug seems persist on me, using Xcode 15.0 & watchOS 10.0 simulator and physical device. os_log not showing in Xcode console but print works normally. Also tried Xcode 15.1.0 beta & watchOS 10.1 beta 2, no luck for me. But using watchOS 9.4 simulator on Xcode 15.0, os_log works fine.

os_log not showing in Xcode 15 Console (watchOS, watch Simulator)