Can my app send Crash Data automatically?

Can I transmit a crash log off a user’s device if my app crashes?

The only docs I’ve seen around this so far refer to 2 use cases: a) the device is local and can be connected to Xcode, and b) the end user can access my app’s crash log via Settings -> Privacy -> Analytics -> Analytics Data and then they can share that with me (via email or AirDrop).

However, in AppStoreConnect, we are asked to identify any type of data that is sent to us by the app: ie, where “Collect - refers to transmitting data off the device”

If I navigate as follows: AppStoreConnect -> App Privacy -> Data Types (edit) -> Yes / Next -> Data Collection -> Diagnostics - then one of the options is -> Crash Data (such as crash logs)

I cannot imagine that either of the aforementioned use cases correspond to this Data Collection / Diagnostic data - and so this begs the question: to what does this disclosure item refer? Ie, how can I automatically transmit a crash log so that I don’t have to inconvenience my user after they experience the inconvenience of an app crash?

For those users who have opted-in to “share analytics with app developers”, you will get anonymised aggregated crash reports that appear magically in XCode’s “organizer” window.

Regarding the privacy declaration, IMO all apps should disclose “diagnostics - not linked to you” because of this feature. But others seem to have different ideas.

Can my app send Crash Data automatically?