Push to talk Framework and Audio Session

I am receiving a push through "incomingPushResultForChannelManager" of Push to talk Framework and setting a remote participant through "pushResultForActiveRemoteParticipant" or setting a remote participant using "setActiveRemoteParticipant" directly in the PTT App without receiving a push.

When the app establishes a remote participant on a channel, an Audio Session is started anew and will receive an active Audio Session.

The problem is that the time to activate this Audio Session is not short. For this reason, there are many cases where the first part of the other party's voice passes without being played.

Also, if the app is running in the foreground, even if it doesn't acquire a new audio session, it can play the voice through the app's own audio session. However, by restarting the Audio Session, the Audio Session is changed unnecessarily and the voice playback is delayed.

Question. Can I set the Audio Session to not change when setting the remote participant's information?

If this is not possible, please advise on a solution for the case where the audio session is activated after the voice starts to be received.

Answered by fersmart in 769812022

unfortunately audiosession handling is built in Push To Talk framework. in order to set different audio session category and mod wait for the framework to call channelManager(_:didActivate:)

Any updates?

Accepted Answer

unfortunately audiosession handling is built in Push To Talk framework. in order to set different audio session category and mod wait for the framework to call channelManager(_:didActivate:)

Push to talk Framework and Audio Session