




GameKit - iCloud Sign In Error
Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement matchmaking in visionOS using GameKit and GameCenter. I'm following the example project that been shared but I get an error. Error: The requested operation could not be completed because you are not signed in to iCloud.. I'm getting this error as a result of matchmaking. I'm already logged in to iCloud in Vision Pro Simulator. I've tried to switch off-on every related settings but didn't work. I'm using latest Xcode Dev Beta and visionOS Beta v6. Would you mind share me any workaround? Regards, Melih
Nov ’23
Getting Child ModelEntity from Reality Composer Pro
Hi, I have a file in Reality Composer Pro that has a deep hierarchy. I've downloaded it from an asset store so I don't know how it is build. As you can see from the screenshot, I'm trying to access banana and banana_whole entities as ModelEntity but I'm not able to load them as ModelEntity in Xcode. I can load them as Entity and show them in visionOS Simulator but not as ModelEntity which I need to do to do some operations. What should I do?
Oct ’23
Game Controller Framework for visionOS Apps
Hi, I was working on implementation of game controller input to my game. I've connected my Xbox controller and tried to do a test and it is working in an macOS application. I wanted to port it to my visionOS app but the app can't seem to recognize my gamepad inputs. But visionOS simulator can recognize because it is changing camera by gamepad input. According to documentation GCController functions supports visionOS. Do the apps directly supports GC input? Or do I make mistake in my code? Thanks
Oct ’23
Xcode 13 Beta Build Error
Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a framework for my project. In Xcode 12, it builds successfully. But when I import this framework into my project which must be in Xcode 13, it does not build with bunch of error. How to deal with these errors like "Module Foundation not found". and "/Applications/ Embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported"
Aug ’21