




My app is Scanning UDP in iPhone16.x series but not in iPhone 15.x series.
Hello Apple Support team, Steps tried out till now to resolve the scan issue for POS machines(Android Devices) in iOS 15.x: Changed UDP Listener’s Port Numbers according to the mentioned port numbers on Apple’s website. Checked the Network Framework provided by Apple for any related methods/properties that can resolve the issue. Updated the Deployment target from iOS 13.x to iOS 15.x for POSLib SDK in order to set the Network’s parameter attribution to the user so that networking performed using these parameters is directed to content specified by the user, not the developer. As per the R&D done till now, it appears the UDP connection is established properly and data is sent to the server but when we receive the data it is nil and also connection is cancelled. Thanks & Regards
Nov ’23
Android Device is not Listing For iphone Devices for coreBluetoothScanning
Hello Apple Support Team, As per the business requirement, we have to communicate and exchange data chunks between applications running on iPhones and Android-based or Android phones through Bluetooth interface. We have achieved the requirement through IP/Wifi communication. We are trying to connect to Android and iPhone devices via Bluetooth through an iOS application. We carried out Bluetooth implementation using CoreBluetooth libraries. Below are the findings done by our development team: Core Bluetooth Library Implementation           Importing Core Bluetooth Library in BTConnectionManager class, which uses CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate, CBCentralManager, CBPeripheral as peripheral, [CBPeripheral] array as peripherals array. Using the below methods: centralManagerDidUpdateState, centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber), centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral), peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?), peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: Service, error: Error?) we are able to scan and connect to BLE devices Findings: We were able to get the list of low-energy devices like Airpods, Earphones and Bluetooth music devices. But Not able to scan Bluetooth high-energy devices like PAX / Android Phones   Please suggest to us the approach to make the Android running devices listed through the Core Bluetooth library. Thanks & Regards
Nov ’23