




user-assigned-device-name entitlement - HOW?????
Please help a developer out. If you have gotten the user-assigned-device-name entitlement recently with the new questions, how did you answer the questions? I ask Bard and my app DOES do all of the following and I provided screen shots and it's still rejected. But the problem is, Apple doesn't tell you WHY??? We have to guess and guess. Eligibility criteria: User-facing functionality: Your app must use the user-assigned device name solely for functionality that's visible to the user and allows them to identify their own device. YES!!!!!! Multi-device interaction: The functionality must involve interaction between multiple devices that the same user operates. YES! UI visibility: The user-assigned device name must be visible to the user in your app's UI. You need to provide screenshots of this UI when requesting the entitlement. YES!
Dec ’23
User-Assigned Device Name again
Is there a way to get more clarification on why I cannot get the "User-Assigned Device Name" entitlement? I have gotten it before for the iPad version of my app, but now the questions have changed and I cannot get the entitlement. My app matches all of the criteria as far as I know. As usual, they leave you guessing as to why I cannot get the entitlement. So, is there a way to find out why???? I match all of this:
Nov ’23
dataWithContentsOfURL is nil with url from Files app
On IOS15 beta 8 (not sure of other versions) if I open a PDF from the Files App from a document stored in the One My iPad folder, then use the Open in... or Share button to send to my app, dataWithContentsOfURL always returns nil. Is this a known problem? Not all the apps have a problem opening the file. Chrome has a problem but Apple Mail doesn't. Thanks data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
Sep ’21
Notarization - invalid 2, Package Invalid
I have code signed a screen saver (legacy screen saver) I have verified it is code signed using: codesign -vvv --deep --strict pathtofile (valid on disk, satisfies its Designated Requirement) I have tried putting the file into a folder and then using: /usr/bin/ditto -c -k --keepParent APP_PATH ZIPPATH and I have tried just zipping the .saver file using the same ditto command. Then I try to notarize by using: xcrun altool \-notarize-app \   --primary-bundle-id "com.***" \-username appleID \ -password appSpecificPassword \   --asc-provider ProviderShortName \   --file It says No errors uploading and gives me a RequestUUID back. However at the end of all this, it tells me it was not notified, that status = invalid, status code = 2, Package invalid How can I find out what the problem is? Where did I go wrong? Thanks!
Aug ’20
Problem with xcrun altool - CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicy_block_invoke
I am trying to use xcrun altool. Here is the cli command: /usr/bin/xcrun altool  --list-providers -u “APPLEIDDEVACCOUNT” -p “APPPASSWORD” No matter what I try - application created password or actual password for the account I get the following. Not sure what is going on. Thanks CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicyblock_invoke: no longer implemented and should not be called 2020-08-12 07:36:01.064 altool[8552:289303] * Error: Failed to retrieve providers info. 2020-08-12 07:36:01.064 altool[8552:289303] * Error: code -1011 (Failed to authenticate for session: (     "Error Domain=ITunesConnectionAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=-20101 \"Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly., NSLocalizedDescription=Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly., NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}" ) Unable to list providers.)
Aug ’20
How to distribute a locally targeted app for a business
I have a general question. If I wanted to develop a local app for a small business, how would I be able to distribute this? For example, lets say I wrote an app for a small hobby shop. To make it available to the public, would the app store be the correct place? That seems too general.Would they need to have an enterprise account? For each business I work with, would they need their own account?Thanks for any help on this.
Sep ’19
OK now I am frustrated
I have had an app in the app store selling for 9 years, ever since the first iPad.For some reason, when I submitted my latest update, they think that my app is a "business entity" and want proof that I own the "business" that is the name of my app.I don't understand why after 9 years they think my app name is a business that I need to prove that I own.I have several apps under different names and they don't seem to require that each name be a separate business.
Jul ’19
Non-public selectors
I have an app that I have uploaded 6 betas with no issues.Now when I upload, I get this warning (no changes since the last upload).The app references non-public selectors in Payload/ log:level:flag:context:file:function:line:tag:format:args:How can I debug this? I've searched but I cannot find anything on this. Thanks
Jun ’19
Simulator crashes immediately upon launch
Yesterday the XCode 10 simulator was running fine. Today, instantly crashes upon launch.I have run the XCode 9 simulator and reset simulator. I have "installed" XCode 10 from app store.Is there a preference I can delete for the simulator?Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFYTermination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xbTerminating Process: exc handler [0]VM Regions Near 0:--> __TEXT 000000010a1cc000-000000010a271000 [ 660K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/
Sep ’18
Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's.
My Parent app IS signed correctly. I have verified in every screen. Has anyone seen this?Thanks!XCode 10.0 beta 6---------------error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's. Embedded Binary Signing Certificate: Software Signing Parent App Signing Certificate: - (Ad Hoc Code Signed)
Aug ’18