
Post not yet marked as solved
30 Replies
I have the same issue, but on a real device. Not using the simulator. Did you find a solution?
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15 Replies
I'm using NSTableViewDiffableDataSource and as soon as I import a bunch of records (not even that many - like 600), I get the error if I have animations turned on. [self.tableDiffableDataSource applySnapshot:snapshot animatingDifferences:YES completion:^{ }]; But as soon as I turn OFF animatingDifferences, I no longer get the error.
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21 Replies
I had this same problem, but as soon as I uncommented out this code and ran my app, while connected to the Production CloudKit container, it started to work. I thought you only had to do it one time on the Development container and then publish to production in the CloudKit Dashboard. Once I let this code run one time, after that it all started to work. do { // Use the container to initialize the development schema. try container.initializeCloudKitSchema(options: []) } catch { // Handle any errors. print(error) } #endif
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1 Replies
Well it turns out it was saving the binary data. I still get the file not found error though, but perhaps it's harmless. I wasn't seeing the photo I was saving appear due to a cacheing mechanism I had. I was forgetting to clear the cache after I added new images. So new images weren't showing up. It's all good.
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18 Replies
This is also happening to me. It happened to me after I upgraded to macOS 11 Beta 10, but before Xcode 12.2 Beta 3. I was still on Beta 2 when I first saw the crash. So then I upgraded to Xcode 12.2 Beta 3 and it still crashes. I knew it had to be something with the debugger because I could launch the built application from the Finder, but not from within Xcode. Thanks for the workarounds. At least I can run now.
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7 Replies
I'm in the same boat. But I have a hierarchical relationship with 3 different entities: CDCategory ->> CDForm ->> CDSearch ->> CDSearch A Search can have a list of child Searches and a Search can represent a folder. So basically any number of nested folders/searches. For example: > Personal (CDCategory) > My Movie Library (CDForm) > Searches by Genre (CDSearch with isFolder = true) Action Movies (CDSearch) Comedies (CDSearch) and so on. I can't seem to get OutlineGroup to handle this. The first issue is the error about NSSet not being the required Set<Form>, etc. To get around that I'm using Array(category.forms as! Set<CDForm>) I use that with List but I can't seem to use it with OutlineGroup because when I provide the children key path, I get that similar error: Key path value type 'NSSet?' cannot be converted to contextual type '[CDSearch]?' I've looked around for examples that use OutlineGroup with Core Data but haven't found anything yet. OutlineGroup(Array(form.searches as! Set<CDSearch>), id: \.uuid, children: \.searches) { (search : CDSearch) in SearchRow(search: search) }