




BLE MIDI auto connection/pairing
Hi there, We're developing a product which has a BLE module that advertises itself as a BLE MIDI device. The goal for our iOS app is to have the phone auto-connect to the device, which it already bonded with. Exactly like headphones; Bond one time, and everytime the headphones turn on, the phone automaticly pairs/connects to the headphones. At the moment, a new connection is required every time the the device turns on and advertises. I've read on the apple BLE documentation page, that from iOS 16 or later "the system automatically reconnects Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) MIDI peripherals when powered on, if the device supports pairing. Previously, it was necessary to use Audio MIDI Setup to establish BLE MIDI connections." ( ) However, neither our iPhones that run iOS 16+ or macOS 13+ devices re-connect to the BLE MIDI device. How can I achieve this? As per official BLE documentation, pairing is initiated by the central device (smartphone etc.) and the peripheral (BLE MIDI device) should simply store the MAC address + security information of the central device that it is currently bonded with.
Oct ’23