




SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader Bug
For calling swift api of a class to cpp , we need to include SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader to cpp file and then we can access swift class api in cpp . Signature of swift class with public apis will be added to the SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader. We find an odd behaviour here . Signature of classes will be added to SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader in alphabetical order (swift class name alphabetically lower will be added first to generated header). If we have a swift class which is referenced by another swift class Api , then referenced class's name should be alphabetically lower that referee class , otherwise we will get a build error :- "Unknown class name". public class A { public func funca () { print ("class A") } } public class B { public func funcb () { print ("class B") } public func funcb2 (pA:A) { pA.funca() } public func funcb3 (pC:C) { pC.funcc() } } public class C { public func funcc () { print ("class C") } } Cpp class where we include bridging header after turning on swift cpp interop : class Test1 { public: static void testfunc (); }; #include "Test1.hpp" #include "cppswiftinterop-Swift.h" void Test1::testfunc() { } Here , we have three swift classes , Class A,B,C. And since we are including SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader in cpp , signature of these class will be added to the generated header . In this project , we are referencing Class A and Class C from Class B . And since A is alphabetically lower that B , it works fine (because signature of A in Generated header will be added before it is referenced by B). But since C is alphabetically above than B , it will through build error (Unknown type name 'C') , because Signature of C in Generated header will be added after it is referenced by class B). If i rename Class C to Class AA then , it works fine. Is this a bug in swift cpp interop?
Can I schedule multi print jobs parallelly in ios using UIPrintInteractionController?
For printing from worker thread to a UIPrinter(whose url i have saved ) i am doing this and able to print : func PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:Data) { // Create a print interaction controller let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.shared // Set the printing options let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil) printInfo.jobName = "Print Job " printController.printInfo = printInfo printController.showsPageRange = true // Set the PDF document to be printed printController.printingItems = pDocument printController.print(to: defaulttprinter, completionHandler: { (controller, completed, error) in if completed { print("Printing successful!") } else { if let error = error { print("Printing failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("Printing was canceled.") } } }) } When i call PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:Data) function , more than once with diffrent data shown below : { PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data1) } { PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data2) } { PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data3) } Printer is printing only one document(data1) . For other call is not executing printController.print (to....) function inside PrintPdfDocument.
Feb ’24
Getting Swift_header compilation error for tvOS
I have a tvOS project contains an App target and 3 static libraries: EntryPoint – Static library that contains main , AppDelegate and SceneDelegate Experience – Static library containing my UI elements AppTarget – executable built using above two libraries I have a class "SelectionTable" which subclasses UITableView in Experience target : import UIKit class SelectionTable : UITableView { private var vDataSrc:[String]! func SetDataSrc (_ pDataSrc:[String]) { self.vDataSrc = pDataSrc } func UpdateDataSrc (_ pStringList:[String]) { self.vDataSrc += pStringList } func GetDataSrc () -> [String] { return self.vDataSrc } } I am not using this class anywhere and still i am getting these errors when i build my AppTarget: Cannot find interface declaration for 'UITableView', superclass of 'SelectionTable' Expected a type These above error are coming in generated header file "Experience-Swift.h". This file is auto-generated by compiler. I am not using @objc anywhere in the code, But still the Target-Swift.h file has the below lines: SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC10Experience22SelectionTable") @interface SelectionTable : UITableView - (nonnull instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame style:(UITableViewStyle)style OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @end When i am marking above class as Private , this error goes away . And also , if i am defining SelectionTable class in EntryPoint library , this error does not occur . I am using similar model for an iOS project also and there i am not facing this issue. I am using :- Swift version : Swift 5.9.2 XCode version : 15.2
Feb ’24
Using CUPS in iOS
I want to use CUPS in iOS for printing and it is mentioned at many places that we can use cups for printing in ios .But when i import library cups/cups.h ,xcode is giving error "cups/cups.h not found". code i am using in a objective c file : import <cups/cups.h> cups_dest_t *dest; int num_options; cups_option_t *options; int job_id; /* Print a single file */ job_id = cupsPrintFile(dest->name, "/usr/share/cups/data/", "Test Print", num_options, options); Do i need to intall some driver or any library to make it work ? or is it the case that CUPS is not available for iOS?
Jan ’24
event handler for button click not getting triggered
when i am adding new view to replace viewcontroller's view like this : let viewcontroller: UIViewController! let rootview:UIView! viewcontroller = UIViewController () rootview = UIView (frame:viewcontroller.view.bounds) viewcontroller.view = rootview // Adding a button let button = UIButton(type: .system) button.setTitle("Tap Me", for: .normal) button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18) button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for:.allEvents) viewcontroller.view.addSubview(button) For ios(iPhone/ipad) , i am able to get button click event . But in case of tvOS , i am not getting button click event. But in case of tvOS if use the default view of viewcontroller like this , i am getting button click events and things works fine: let viewcontroller: UIViewController! viewcontroller = UIViewController () // Adding a button let button = UIButton(type: .system) button.setTitle("Tap Me", for: .normal) button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18) button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for:.allEvents) viewcontroller.view.addSubview(button) Is this some bug for tvOS or for tvOS this suppose to happen this way ?
Jan ’24
Getting build error in tvOS for UITableView
I want to use uitableview in tvos to show list of string data but compiler is throughing following errors in generated header: "No type or protocol named 'UITableViewDataSource'" And "Attempting to use the forward class 'UITableView' as superclass of 'TWOSSelectionTableTVOS'" Even though this code is working is ios . My code structure is as follow : SelectionTable.swift: import UIKit class TWOSSelectionTableTVOS : UITableView { private var vDataSrc:[String]! func SetDataSrc (_ pDataSrc:[String]) { self.vDataSrc = pDataSrc } func UpdateDataSrc (_ pStringList:[String]) { self.vDataSrc += pStringList } func GetDataSrc () -> [String] { return self.vDataSrc } } PaintUI.swift : import UIKit @objc class PaintUI: NSObject,UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource { static let uShared = PaintUI () @objc static func updateUIMessage() { DispatchQueue.main.async { ExecuteInlineSelectionTable () } } func tableView (_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return 5 } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell (withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) cell.textLabel?.text = "hello" return cell } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { let viewcontroller: TWIOSViewController! viewcontroller = StaticContext.sViewController } public static func ExecuteInlineSelectionTable () { let selectiontable:TWOSSelectionTableTVOS! selectiontable = TWOSSelectionTableTVOS () selectiontable.register (UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell") selectiontable.dataSource = uShared selectiontable.delegate = uShared selectiontable.isScrollEnabled = true // TODO : will add selection table in view heriearchy but currently getting // compilation error } } And finally calling PaintUI.updateUIMessage () , it is throughing above errors for tvOS only but in case of ios code is working fine.
Jan ’24